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【理解当代中国】系列3. Young People Should Practice the Core Socialist Values完整版

发布日期:2024-05-27   来源:   点击量:

Young People Should Practice the Core Socialist Values


Why am I talking about the core socialist values with you young people? Because your value orientation will decide the values of the whole of society in the years to come. Besides, young people are at the time of life when they form and establish their values. It is therefore very important to offer some guidance. That reminds me of something that happens in our daily life. When we button up our coat, we may inadvertently put the first button in the wrong button hole, and that will result in all the other buttons being put in the wrong holes. That's why we say that young people should button right” in the early days of their life. A deep well is dug starting with a shallow pit.Every young person should learn about the core socialist values starting right now, take them as his basic rules and disseminate them throughout society.


When young people adopt the core socialist values they should emphasize the following points:


First, work diligently to acquire true knowledge. Knowledge is an important cornerstone for the cultivation of the core values. The great philosophers of ancient Greece believed that knowledge was a virtue. Our ancestors also asserted, One cannot enhance one's ability and wisdom if one does not work hard; neither can one succeed without ambition.


A person enjoys only once the youthful days at college, so you should cherish them. To acquire knowledge, one has to study diligently, intensively and persistently. Lu Xun once said, “Who said Im a genius? I spent all my time working when others were sipping coffee. In college days, Young we were, schoolmates, at life's full flowering. One can totally throw oneself into seeking knowledge without any distractions, learning from teachers, exchanging views with classmates and rummaging through piles of books. So there is no reason not to study hard. Work hard, acquire more knowledge and turn what you have learned into your own views and ideas. I hope that you will not only concentrate on book knowledge but also care about the people, the country and the world, and assume your responsibility for society.


Second, cultivate morality and virtue, and pay attention to them in practice. Virtue is the root. Mr Cai Yuanpei believed, He who is strong physically and talented but has no virtue will end up on the side of vice. Virtues are fundamental for both individuals and society. What is most important is to cultivate morality. This explains why we select those who are both talented and morally cultivated for our work, with morality as priority. One can be placed in the right position only if one recognizes virtue, follows social ethics and restricts personal desires.


When talking about cultivating morality, one needs to have high ambitions as well as pragmatic plans. To devote oneself to one's country and serve one's people, this is the great virtue with which one is able to accomplish the great cause. In the meantime, one needs to start to do small things well and be self-disciplined even in small matters. Learning from fine things that may appear and correcting any mistakes that may occur, one needs to cultivate public and personal virtues, learn to work, to be thrifty, to be grateful, to help others, to be modest, to be tolerant, to examine oneself and to exercise self-restraint.


Third, learn to tell right from wrong and make correct decisions. As our ancestors believed, Reading without thinking makes one muddled; thinking without reading makes one flighty. Knowing what is right or wrong, what is the correct direction and what is the proper way to follow, one is bound to reap the reward of one's work.


Facing a complex and fast-changing world, an information era with the surge of various schools of thought, a multifaceted society of genuine and false ideas, and the pressure associated with one's academic pursuit, relationships and employment, you may feel somewhat confused, hesitant or frustrated. This is a normal experience everybody will go through. The key is to learn to think about and analyze situations before making decisions in order to arrive at correct decisions. You should be sturdy, confident and self-reliant. You must form a correct world outlook, view of life and values, then you will see--crystal-clear--the true nature of society and have a better understanding of your life's experience, and be able to tell what is right and what is wrong, what is primary and what is secondary, what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil, and what is beautiful and what is ugly before making judgments and decisions. As a Tang verse goes, Gold glitters only after countless washings and sievings.


Fourth, be honest and sincere; do solid work and be an upright person. The correct way needs to be pursued in practice, while morality requires no empty talk. One should be more pragmatic. Knowledge and action should go hand in hand, and the core values should be turned into moral pursuits as well as a drive to make people engage in conscious action. The Book of Rites says, “Learn extensively, inquire earnestly, think profoundly, discriminate clearly and practice sincerely.


Some people believe that sages are mediocre people who work hard, while mediocre people are sages who refuse to work hard.With more opportunities, young people should make their steps steady, lay a solid foundation and make unremitting efforts. It is no good for study or running a business if one works intermittently, or chop sand changes. Difficult things are done starting from easy ones; a great undertaking begins with minor work.


No matter what you opt to do, success always favors hard workers. Young people should take a difficult environment as a challenge or test. Little strokes fell great oaks. Success awaits those who work doggedly and unyieldingly, and those who are never daunted by repeated setbacks.


The cultivation of the core values can't be done overnight. It requires efforts from the easy to the difficult, from close-up to faraway until it becomes a faith and idea that we follow conscientiously. When things are smooth, you may be confident; when there are frustrations, you may have doubts and waver. In all circumstances we should always uphold the core socialist values which have been formed and developed here in our country, make contributions to the great cause in the modern era and fulfill our lifetime expectations.






